Friday, October 12, 2007

What is this?

Welcome to the Footing Forum! Footing Forum is a place where riders, builders of arenas and manufacturers of equestrian surfaces and surface components can engage in a dialog that hopefully can be instrumental in improving riding arena construction, surfaces and maintenance. I am a producer of high quality riding surfaces and an arena design and construction consultant. I am passionate about sharing the information necessary to improve riding surfaces, which will ultimately result in improved rider and horse safety, better air quality (= better respiratory health in people and animals) and greater condition and performance.

From indoor arenas to training tracks to round pens, everyone agrees: Without good footing, your investment is wasted. Even more important however, is what is going on below the surface. Many people begin an arena construction project without knowing or understanding the crucial importance of a properly constructed arena base. Although there are several correct methods of construction, typically, an arena base is constructed (taking site restrictions into consideration) out of compacted crushed stone. I've added a basic diagram to illustrate the layers:

I wish I could credit the person who created this image, but I don't know who it is (my apologies!). After the basic material needs are considered, the next step is to seriously determine your drainage requirements. This determination should be made with a qualified arena builder or a soil engineer. Many things can affect your future drainage, the most significant being (from the ground up):
1. Sub-soil: Clay or other impermeable sub-soil can hold water.
2. Incorrect grade on your arena surface: 1 - 1.5% is desirable
3. Choice of footing: Footing with an excessive amount of fines can hold water
4. Placing your arena next to a barn roof, hillside or road where water can run right onto your surface.

Next posting: The construction timeline and what to plan for.

PLEASE!! This blog is for everyone and will have the most impact if you participate! I invite you to post questions and comments. Join the dialog!

1 comment:

Regina said...

Nice blog and sorely needed ! I look forward to future posts.